One of the greatest headaches of many young ladies in relationship is the issue of sex. While they find themselves entangled in love, they also would not want to offend God by fornicating. Meanwhile, most young men of today are always demanding sex before marriage as a proof of love. If a lady denies her boyfriend (fiance) sex, he tends to think she either does not love him or she is seeing another guy. And this throws the lady into so much confusion. She genuinely loves the guy but wouldn't want to give in to sex. If she denies him, she may lose him and if she gives in too she disobeys God. Sorry to our ladies. Gentleman, please know that it is absolutely a lie from the pit of hell that if your fiancee does not give you sex it shows she doesn't love you. How can you use sex as a LOVEOMETRE? Have you never slept with ladies you didn't truly love? If you haven't then let me tell you that many people are having s...