
Showing posts from July, 2017

Never Give Up On Your Life

Life can make you feel powerless But never give up People can make you feel worthless But never give up Friends can make you feel hopeless But never give up Family can make you feel hapless But never give up Life can be very vicious But never give People can be very capricious But never give up Friends can be very ungracious But never give up Family can be very malicious But never give up Life can be very tiring But never give up People can be all uninspiring But never give up Friends can be all conspiring But never give up Family can be uncompromising But never give Never give up Trying to live a happy life Never give up Trying to connect with good people Never give up Trying to form good friendships Never give up Trying to start a great family Never give up on the miracle that is life Never give up on the beauty of humanity Never give up on the joyfulness of friendship Never give up on the blessedness that...

Free From Fear And Full Of Love

As I write this we have been disconnected from the electric grid for 4 ½ weeks now. On a routine inspection, the meter boxes that ran our home and the homes of seven of our neighbors were found to be a safety hazard and had to be taken down. It has been a long wait for the replacement parts to come in so the work can be done. My daughter lived in one of the other houses and has had to move back in with me. For the first week we were fortunate to have family take us in. When it became clear, however, that we weren’t getting back on the grid soon I bought a portable, gas-powered, generator so we could at least move back home. The generator has been powering the refrigerator, fans, television, and computer but lacks the power to handle the stove, clothes dryer, AC, and hot water heater. The lights except for two lamps can’t be used either. It amazes me too how much gas it uses. I am making two trips a day to the gas station just to keep it going. Through all of this, though, I have l...


You have been waiting for so long, but it took this long just because, we wanted you to enjoy this sensational video & Audio, All for the love i have for my fans and all music lovers globally i present to you my new effort SELOORE this special day...............🎧Spice Up Your Sunday With Seloore🎼* *[MUSIC+VIDEO] BUSOLA OKE FT KOLADE - SELOORE* *Now Available🗣🗣*

Dear Myself

Dear Myself, Life is scary. One day you wake up feeling like you can take over the world, and the next day you wake up feeling like all you want to do is to lay in bed and hide from everything. People walk into your life, grab your hand, and lead you the most beautiful path you've known, but sometimes the same people let go of your hand without warning, and you become stranded at a place where you never thought you'ld feel lost. Let's be honest, sometimes everything is going so great and it seems like nothing could go wrong , but right when you begin to think that, something so horrible comes crashing down and all of a sudden more problems come riochecting around you and you just feel so hopeless cause it's so f*cking (excuse my language) , shitty! It's so hard to understand why such things happen in life,and I personally wish I had an answer to that "why?" you always ask yourself , but all I can say that is no matter how hard life gets,you hav...

How To Live Your Best Life

We all have dreams we want to accomplish. Something you work hard for everyday so you can get closer to it. In the way though, you are going to face obstacles along the way whether you like it or not. Criticism is going to come to you swift and fast. For example, my lifelong dream is to be a NBA player and I know it will come with a lot of hard work and perseverance on my part. People doubt me now and discourage me because they don’t see the potential within. As I always say’’chase your dream, no matter the obstacles or the criticism based upon you’’. There’s always a way, always. Keep that in mind at all times. You have to look toward the bigger picture because it’s based on the journey, not the destination. There’s a quote that i use everyday to keep going through the hard times, ‘’when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful.’’ If you’re unhappy about your current situation, don’t complain, moan or blame the world. This is your life, change ...

Cherish Today

t was 25 years ago. Every seat in the church was filled. But it wasn’t for a happy occasion. The coffin sat in the aisle by the front pews. Inside of it was my Mother. After a heroic 4 year battle Cancer had finally taken her body but not her spirit. She had only spent 55 years on this Earth but everyday she had made it a brighter place for those of us around her. I was only 25 years old that day of the funeral and I wasn’t sure how I was going to go on without her. I can’t remember any of the service. I can only remember sitting in the pew with my family while it felt like a two ton rock was crushing my heart and soul. For days afterward I walked around numb and in a daze. Finally one morning I woke up coughing and having trouble breathing. My wife rushed me to the emergency room and the doctor diagnosed me with double pneumonia. My health had broken as well as my spirit. In the days to come my body healed much faster than my heart and soul did. In a few weeks I was physically fi...

You Are Precious

Lots of people are dissatisfied with themselves in many ways. Even though they have a good career, a good marriage, and a good income, they still feel as if something is missing from their lives. What makes them feel negative about themselves? One of the reasons is that they find it hard to love themselves. If we cannot accept who we are and be ourselves, our feelings about ourselves won't improve. When I was a teenager, I had a poor self-image. I was either pretty or smart. I didn’t like my height and hated my fluffy naturally curly hair. I was cynical about many things. However, since the day I accepted Jesus as my Savior, I have discovered a certain truth through reading the Bible and praying. I come to realize I am valued and my value is not based on the world's or peoples' standards. I am valued because I am a human being created by God; there is something beautiful inside of me that enables me to think, to act, and to create. This amazing truth from the Bible compl...

A Powerful Thought

There are two kinds of power, power over others and power over yourself. We automatically assume that having power means having power over others. Those who crave this sort of power have little personal power and most likely a large ego master whose whims they must satisfy. They do not realize that no one can ever have power over another. Many dictators have lead short lives believing this. The best you can do is lead others who choose to follow you because you empower them. The other truly potent power is power over yourself, personal power or mastering yourself. It is in direct opposition to false power. Instead, it recognizes the mislead ego. It embraces truth, honesty and self understanding. It humbly seeks the higher master within. It knows that kindness, helping and serving others brings the only power one can exercise over another. It is the power of love. All things that go out return full circle, ten fold. Though I have yet to master it, I believe this is true. All truth ...

I Hope This Helps Someone

Back about 20 months ago I started college and just struggled with everything, classes, friends, girls... I quickly became depressed, angry at myself for not being about to do better in school, in addition to lack of friends due to poor social and communication skills. This went on for months, until my 19th birthday. My parents sent me a cake, it was a great cake, but I remember having this large cake, and absolutely no one to share it with. I ended up throwing out the cake after having 1 piece, with about 90% of it leftover. That night I was so depressed that I decided to say f**k it and go outside to the freezing temperatures of the winter (as my birthday resident in that period) and run. Put my earphones in, went outside, and ran/walked about 2 miles at 11pm on my birthday. When I got back inside I was content, I was proud of what I was able to do. The next night I did the same, I wasn't quick or fit but you know what I went outside and did something. The running continued ...

Moments Of Peace

The cable went out this afternoon. I could see through my bedroom window the white trucks parked next to the pole and the cable guys working on the line. I didn’t mind too much, though. With all the channels I had on my television I rarely found something I wanted to watch. I put an old DVD on for my sons, retired to my bedroom, and put on some old records for myself. I lay down on my bed while the music played softly, picked up an old book, and began to read. Before long my old, gray cat snuggled into the crook of my arm and purred quietly. I began to scratch her head with one hand while I held my book with the other. Suddenly, I felt a pressure on my bed. I turned my head and saw the furry, smiling face of my puppy, Fluffy. We had rescued him almost a year ago and with good food and lots of love he had grown from 4 to 64 pounds. He leaned down his head and gave my chin a good licking. I laughed, put my book down and scratched his tummy. With both hands busy I couldn’t read anymore...

Give Life Meaning

"What is the meaning of life?" This is a question that we all ask ourselves at one point or another of our existence here. It is a question that I have asked myself many times over the years. The best answer that I ever came across was written by the great psychologist, Viktor Frankl who had survived the Nazi Concentration camps in World War II. Frankl wrote that "The meaning of life is to give life meaning." When I was a young boy I gave my life meaning by simply playing, running, jumping, swimming, laughing, and riding my bike. When I went to school I gave my life meaning by learning, studying hard, getting good grades and trying to make my Mom and Dad proud. When I was a teenage boy I found meaning in playing sports, hanging out with my friends, and trying to impress girls. In college I found my meaning by deciding what I wanted to study and what career I wanted to prepare for. When I was working as a teacher I found meaning in helping to open young minds to n...

I'm Just So Happy Things Are Going Right For Me

I had a rough time growing up. Was bullied, parents divorced, didn't have any friends and turned to drugs; I lost control of my life and lost contact with loved ones. I was depressed for a long time and didn't have any hope for the future; I tried to kill myself but I threw up the pills and survived. After the attempt, I sort of gained a whole new perspective on life, simply revolving around the knowledge that you only get one shot at life, so I decided to put everything into turning my life around. I went to rehab, started studying and got into the best university in my country for a subject I love (Computer Science!) and met the girl of my dreams over the last two years. Today I received the results of the second year of my degree and I got a first, which I am just so happy about. I've worked so hard on making myself a better human being, and I am just so relieved I have been able to get this far. Just thought I would share. I love you all :)

Mother's Day Surprise

It was the day before Mother's Day. I was sitting in my usual spot spending alone time with the Lord. I looked up and noticed the little Mother's Day statue Todd had given me many years before. I had it on a shelf along with other memories of days gone by. It was hard to believe it had been 25 years ago that Todd had died in a car accident. As I sat in my chair lost in my memories I thought, "It would sure be nice to receive something again from Todd on Mother's Day, Lord." I knew it was far fetched to desire something like this, but I wasn't going to tell anyone and I even thought, "This is between You and me Lord." I got up and went about my daily activities. I was out mowing when the thought came to me again. I smiled wondering if I might be surprised. Later that night my husband, Bill came in from being gone for a few days. He walked in with a rose. He handed it to me and said it was from Todd! I was overwhelmed! Never in the past 25 years...

What's Your Secret To A Happy Life?

Someone asked "What's your "secret" to a happy life? What makes your days blissful?" on a forum. We thought this response was wonderful: I'm not annoyingly I think I've got a higher level of life satisfaction than a lot of my friends. There are four things that I can put my finger on that I think I do a little differently than them (and a lot of people). Hope they bring you some joy! chipper or anything, but 1) I'm constantly and conscientiously focusing on being grateful for all the amazing and miraculous shit in my life. My dogs are great, my wife is a good human, I work with good people, I'm not sick right now, etc...Looking at the basic, mundane stuff around me and appreciating it really helps me feel like I'm a lucky person, and what lucky person isn't happy? 2) I'm always trying to find compassion for people - *especially* those that are pissing me off in one way or another. If you don't have compassion, you stop tryi...


FACTS REDEFINING NIGERIA'S IMAGE: 20 THINGS YOU DO NOT KNOW ABOUT NIGERIA. You may already know that Nigeria is the largest black nation in the world and the most populous nation in Africa. You may already know that Nigeria has great dependency on crude oil, plus all the other opinions of David Cameron. Here are 20 unpopular facts about Nigeria. 1. Are you aware that all over the world Nigerians are setting the pace and becoming the standard by which others measure themselves? Do you know?? 2. In the US, Nigerians are the most educated immigrant community. Type it into Google and you'll see it. Not one of the most educated, the most educated. 3. 60% of Nigerians in the US have college degrees. This is far above the American national average of 30%. 4. Nigerians in US are one of the highest earners, typically earning 25% more than the median US income of $53k. 5. In Ivy League schools in Europe and America, Nigerians routinely outperform their peers from other n...

All Roads Lead Home

When I was a boy there were no smart phones, computers were something you saw on STAR TREK, and our television only got one channel clearly. Still, I was never bored. The fields, hills, and woodlands around my home were the perfect playground whose adventures were only limited by my imagination. I can remember once hiking to a nearby lake and slowly walking around it. At the backside of it I was amazed to find an old, one lane, dirt road that I had never seen before. I immediately set out to travel it. It was full of potholes and muddy tire tracks and deep woods bordered it on both sides, but exploring it still seemed like a fine adventure. I walked on and on for what seemed like hours. I am sure my guardian angel was whispering in my ear to turn around and head back home but I was stubborn and even a bit stupid, so I walked on. The dirt road gave way to a gravel one and then a paved one, yet there was still neither a car nor a house in sight. My legs were getting tired. I noticed t...

God's World

For a long time I wanted to live in a world of my own making. I carried this world around in my mind like a secret treasure and did all I could to bring it into reality. In my world I was famous for the things I wrote. I was on television, gave speeches, and was respected by all the great minds of this world. In my world I was rich beyond belief. I had money, mansions, cars, and boats. I went on vacations and lived in the lap of luxury. In my world I was loved by all whether I deserved it or not. I got anything I wanted from the people around me and my days were spent in comfort and ease. Of course, this world never came to be. It remained in my mind and after a time lost its luster. I realized that it was full of the hollow, egotistical dreams of an immature mind. It took me a while to give up this world and accept another but when I did I got more happiness than I could have ever dreamed. The world I finally accepted was the world God had in mind for me. In God’s world I wrote w...

Break Into Greatness

You cant change your condition until you start to get out of your comfort zone, change the way you think and change the way you do things. you are greater than where you are now , you can be better refuse to settle for less, think outside the box. There's greatness in you. Stop having excuses to want more or aspire to be successful, think big, try again and keep trying until you breakthrough

A REAL Princess

So at my daughter's birthday dinner a little girl about 3-4 yrs old saw my daughter walk in the restaurant. While we are all just enjoying the moment the little girl runs down to where my daughter was, looks and smiles real big then runs back to her mom and dad. Shortly after, the daughter come back being carried by her dad and her head is buried in his neck. The dad taps my daughter on the shoulder and says, "My daughter thinks you are a real princess and wants to give you a hug." ☺👑. My daughter said yes and the little girl gives her the biggest hug. This brought the room to tears and cheers. They take a couple of pics and the little girls waves goodbye with her parents. That little girl saw just a "princess" not a black one or white one but simply a princess. Kids don't have hate in them; they are taught it.

Yes You Can

A friend who was down in the dumps wrote me a letter a few weeks ago. His life was full of problems. His heart was full of worries. He was low on hope. He ended his letter to me with this question: “We can’t really change this crazy world we live in, can we?” I answered him immediately and started my own letter with these words: “Yes, we most certainly can!” I can still remember one of the first times someone changed my world. She was the music teacher at my elementary school, the guitarist at our church, and a family friend. I had a huge crush on her too and wanted to impress her more than anything. I had no talent at any instrument, however, and my singing while enthusiastic was quite awful. One day she let me try playing her guitar. I did my best but could only stumble along. When I was done I put my head down. “I guess I am not very good,” I told her. She looked at me with her kind eyes, smiled, and said: “We are all good at something. You just need to find out what you are good...

It's Taken Me 34 Years, But I'm Finally Living

I've lived my entire life doing what basically everyone expected me to do. I taught in the public school for 10 years, and even though I was exhausted and had a nagging feeling that it wasn't the career path for me, I stayed because people in my life were proud of me for being a teacher and I just didn't want to risk disappointing them. Also 10 years ago, I married a man that deep down I had a bad feeling about, but I stayed because all my friends were getting married and I was terrified of being alone. I should have listened to my gut, because for the 8.5 years of our marriage, I was verbally abused, financially controlled, and manipulated. Had he not up and left me for another woman, my insecurity might have made me still stay with him. Also for the last 5 or 6 years I suffered from female problems that ended up needed a hysterectomy and destroyed my chance to bear kids. And other chronic health problems made me sick and exhausted and I gained 130 lbs. The day he l...

How My Life Changed Since I Stopped Drinking

The way alcohol is marketed they make it seam that as long as you are not sleeping on a cardboard box on a rainy sidewalk, you don't have a problem, but drinking, at least like the way I did, had so many consequences it is truly astounding to see, now that I have space from my drinking days. I got sober 416 days ago and my life has completely turned around in so many ways it is kind of crazy. I will just list a few things that have changed since I stopped drinking: - I use to drink because I was 'bored' with life/the world. I would wake every morning with a hangover and say 'shit I gotta do this again..." Now I get up every morning clear headed, full of energy and when I lay down at night I say 'shit I wish I had more time in the day to do everything I want to do...' - I lost 58 pounds. - I went through 3 months of credit card bills and saw I spent on average $37 a day on alcohol 7 days a week. I have been sober 416 days so that is $15,392 not spen...

Patience And Good Intentions

The best and most amazing thing about life is that no matter what happens or how hard it may get, or how useless you feel, stay patient. All you need to focus on is doing good even if it maybe the smallest thing like greeting someone with a smile it goes a long way, it can brighten up anyone's day, and you will have made the smallest yet biggest difference to someone's life they may carry on smiling because of you and spread peace and love and it all started with you! I learned patience the hard way, I have been trying to rush through life rapidly, always comparing myself to my friends and family and wondering when my life would change I was too busy trying to speed things up but things just weren't moving, I finally gave up, but when I did I just continued to help people making people smile do what little I could everyday to make a difference. Life repays you back, well I believe God does he always looks after us no matter what, just carry on doing good spread love an...

The Difference One Month Can Make

From January to May, I led an extremely inactive lifestyle, binging on video games and basically ignoring all aspects of my well being. I was for all intensive purposes addicted to the game I was playing. This addiction nearly ruined me mood wise, I was miserable to be around when I was even able to force myself to go to class or go out and socialize. I wanted to stop, and one day I did, just like that. Told myself I would focus on building and improving myself. I began to take pride in hygiene, exercising, and building hobbies (mainly playing the piano) It's been almost exactly a month since that day and I'd just like to share where I've gotten since then. I've been as active as I can, landing a job that promotes activity, hiking whenever possible, and going on runs around parks. I can honestly say it's the happiest I've been in a while, if not ever, and to think that it's only been a month makes me even happier. Who knows what the next few years will ...

To Value It, Invest In It

It's a known fact to man that for you to value something, you must invest in it. Therefore, invest in your life that you may value it. You are at school and want to value your education? Invest in it. To value your future, invest in it. For whatever you invest in, you'll treasure and hold in high regards. He who wastes his life hasn't really invested much in it. Those who don't take their studies seriously haven't made sufficient investment in their studies. It's very common to find people drinking the whole day and failing to fulfill their responsibilities in life, such people haven't really invested a lot in their lives. They therefore don’t value their lives. Invest in your family that you may treasure it. Invest in your parents, children, relatives, friends, etc, but most importantly, invest in yourself. Add value to yourself everyday. That way, you will make yourself valuable to the world. Don't waste your life as if you just borrowed it from someo...


I was preparing to shave my fifty year old face this morning when I noticed something: my wrinkles no longer disappear when I relax my face. They have become permanent etchings in my skin. I know too that the television and internet are full of advertisements for creams, treatments, and botox to ease and lessen these permanent wrinkles but as I looked at mine in the mirror I decided that it would be far better just to let them be. They are, after all, the evidence of the life I have lived. When I looked at them more closely I could see the lines on the bridge of my nose and between my eyebrows that have been cut from a lifetime of dealing with back pain. There are also some pretty deep ones above my eyebrows that have come from all of the times I have been stressed, angry or frustrated. On my forehead are even deeper ones that have come from all of those moments when my eyes opened wide in astonishment, fascination, or learning. The thickest and deepest ones of all, though, seeme...