
Showing posts from August, 2019


Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be (possibly your roommate, neighbor, coworker, longlost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger) but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, f...

Five Reasons why we Marry Wrong Partners

1. Sex: Yes I said it... When the sex is too early, and too nice... Awe sure, everything else goes on hold and the focus of the relationship is now just on doing. Sex to a growing relationship is like chicken feed to broiler chickens.... It makes the relationship grow very fast without corresponding strength. Sex makes a GMR - Genetically Modified Relationship, early maturing... Instead of thinking about how to make the relationship better, you start thinking of how to make the next sex escapade better. Instead of looking at whether the prospective partner is good for life, you start looking at whether or not they are good in bed. Instead of planning the future together, you start planning sex styles together... As if you are planning on doing a Kamasutra movie.. 2. Money: It is no wonder scripture says; "the love of money is the root of all evil or maybe even route to all evil"... Money can make you marry an evil person. For instance, when a guy has money, wrong pizza b...

Shake off problems

A man and his donkey were on the way to grazing while the donkey fell into a huge pit. The man was shaken and tried hard to pull off his favorite donkey up to the ground. Despite his strenuous attempts, he failed to bring the donkey back. But he can’t leave the donkey to starve and die with pain for days. So he decided to bury him alive and make his death smoother. So he started pouring soil over the donkey in the pit. When he poured the soil, the donkey felt the load and shakes it off and he steps on it. He does the same every time when the soil was poured on his body. In the end, he reached the ground level and easily walked away to graze in the green pastures. Moral: Don’t choose to live with your problem. Just shake off your problems and stand on it and step up in life after learning from them. Every bad experience is a new learning. So get the positives out of it and work towards your goals.

Seeing opportunity in obstacles

Once there was a king who was curious but wealthy. He decided to test his fellow people to know who has a got a good attitude in life and who would spare some time for country’s progress. He placed a huge boulder right at the middle of the road and hid in a nearby place to see if anyone would make an attempt to move it off. He saw some wealthy merchants and courtiers passing by the road. None of them made any attempt to move it off but simply walked away while some others blamed the king for not maintaining roads. Later, a peasant came the way with a load of vegetables and saw the boulder. He kept his load down and tried to move the boulder away. After strenuous effort, he succeeded in moving it away. He saw a purse lying in the place of the boulder. It contained many gold coins and a note from the king which read ‘this is the reward for the person who moves the boulder away’. Moral: It is quite common for people to run away from problems and obstacles. But the story clearly ...

WANTED ( Episode 2)

Benita looked at her wristwatch, it's 9:45 pm. -wow, it's late already she muttered. Holy ghost shield me with your glory. Amen. The programme  started. Benita wasn't comfortable at all. Praise and worship was going on, she wasn't just flowing. She could still feel the presence of marine spirit. Everyone was busy worshiping and singing, dancing and jubilating. Benita was seated praying.  She looked shola's way. She was busy dancing and singing. Few minutes after praise and worship, it was announced that PANAM PERCY PAUL could not make it to the programme. Everyone felt disappointed, Benita too. That was actually the reason she was there. Time for ministration. A woman walked up to the podium as MINISTER ZINA. As she handled the mic, Benita's eyes were opened and what she saw handling the mic was a GOLDEN FISH WITH VERY LOOOOG HAIR. -Blood of Jesus Christ she muttered. Minister ZINA looked at her. -young lady Benita answered with shock -Yes ...

WANTED ( Episode 1)

Shola came to visit Benita, her friend and pastor's only daughter. Benita is a child of God filled with zeal and knowledge of God. Very spiritual as well. She heads the single sisters forum in her father's church she called QUEEN'S COT. Aside being respected as the G.O's daughter, her spiritual maturity cannot be ignored. She is indeed a leader of reputable example. She would always say...." MY PARENT MADE THE WAY, BUT I MADE THE CHOICE. I AM NOT THIS WAY BECAUSE OF MY PARENTS BUT OF MY CHOICE. I MADE A CHOICE TO SERVE GOD, I WASN'T FORCED, WAS MY PERSONAL DECISION THAT'S WHY IT'S COMFORTABLE AND THAT'S WHY I DON'T HAVE TO STRUGGLE. Shola came to invite her to a programme her course mate's church was about having. What kind of programme? Benita asked Praise night. Panam Percy Paul will be live. (Benita jumped for joy) what!!!! Serious??? I'm coming please. What an opportunity to see that great man of God. LATER THAT EVENI...