Your wish is my command

From fiction-story dialogue to contemporary meta-spiritual reference, this utter
The fictional story with which most of us are familiar had Aladdin's genie grant him three wishes. In the movie, "The Secret," it's stated that the original story has no limit on the number of wishes that can be wished for.
It's easy to accept unlimited wishes but... realizing what the genie's response means, as it applies to the Law of Attraction, may take a bit more thought.
This week I spoke with someone who's fairly new to this type of information. She accepts it but as soon as any challenge appears in her life, even a small one, old programs bite her on the bumper sticker... only her bumper sticker doesn't read, "Shit Happens," hers is missing a key letter.
She insisted she can't move forward until she has 'Every Last Detail Detailed.' (Quoting Mike Litman again), "You don't have to get it right, you just have to get it going."
She commented her age is involved (it isn't), you have to have money (not a lot), have to have flyers (not true) and... her list of have-to-haves went on until I interrupted her.
We discussed how for around $30 she can get business cards printed. Then we discussed the free ways she can advertise her services, such as attending networking events, being a guest speaker at local meetings, contacting all of the former clients who were highly impressed with her skills and work ethic, plus a few other ideas that came up.
We talked about how every single emotionally charged thought she has causes her "personal genie," (a.k.a. the quantum field of potential), to respond to, "Your wish is my command," without censoring whatever thought-form she sets into motion.
She acknowledged that every time she spins herself into a negative vortex, she gets more of the same. I asked her if she's able to do that for experiences she doesn't desire to have... then think of how she would feel about doing it for what she wants to expand more of into her life.
I also suggested that instead of focusing on what she feels needs to be changed, she focus on what it feels like to live her dream.
It's interesting that she can accept responsibility for creating negatives in her life, yet assumes that responsibility for positives comes from outside her.
When Aladdin tells the genie his wish, he doesn't ask the genie how it's going to get accomplished... he knows it will. (If there was anything Aladdin needed to do to assist his genie, I'm pretty sure he'd do it.) It's the same for us. We muck up the process when we doubt it will happen... (nothing good happens to me), doubt how it can happen... (I have to control every detail all the while disclaiming my inner genie's power), and doubt we're worthy to have our wish granted (we place limits
on receiving).
When we place limits on what can happen...(maybe I'm not worthy) and how it can happen...fear of the unknown future, we simultaneously set limits on allowing it into our lives.
At one point, the woman said her genie wasn't doing his job right. "Just remember," I reminded her, "it's you who tells your genie what to do." As you go through the moments of your day, imagine hearing, "Your wish is my command," for every thought or word from you. Kind of makes you want to pay better attention to this, doesn't it?


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