Big Change
Big Change
Each of us,
yes, each of us,
can make right now
a huge difference to the world
The world is unreal,
filled with greed, unfair
and all this racism and bigotry!
But we can make it different.
At least our own small world,
our own small circle of friend and family
We can change it from greed to kindness
If only enough people participate in this new movement
of bringing daily a small but significant change to our world
soon the whole world will be better.
It is a bit like voting: what difference does one vote makes?
But if all people would say and do like this no one would vote.
Actually every vote counts!
So is it with our world, in which we want to do away with greed.
We want a kindness revolution.
What difference does one person, one kindness make?
But if all people would say and do like this the world would never change
Actually every person, every kindness counts! No matter how small.
Let us all be part of this!
Change the world NOW.