Good or Bad
Good or bad
Our notion of what is good or bad is sometimes flawed.
I think all of us have memories of apparently bad events,
about which we were frustrated, the moment they happened,
but about which we are now very happy that they happened;
because with hindsight, we can see the huge benefits they brought in our life.
There may be also events that have appeared initially as very good,
but afterwards it turned out that there were no blessings in those events.
Now there are events that seem so extremely bad that our human mind
cannot possible conceive that they may be anything else than bad.
For example a tsunami costing hundreds of thousands of lives.
No one likes a tsunami. No one can see a good thing in it.
Perhaps three hundred years from now, people may understand why it had to happen,
but for now we see it all as a huge mishap.
Scientists who have a certain arrogance, see this as a proof that a good and almighty God
cannot exist. Before agreeing with their arrogance, let us take a moment to be a bit humble,
accept we do not understand everything and imagine what it would be like to live in a perfect world.
Somehow I am grateful to our God that the world is not perfect in the way we perceive perfection.