For me I really found mindfulness when I was studying abroad in Europe for four months. Never having been to any of the countries I visited before, everything was new to me. The buildings, the streets, the art, and the just the beauty of these old cities around me was unlike anything I had ever seen. I remember everywhere I went I tried my hardest to soak everything in and be aware of my own thoughts and feelings behind what I was experiencing. Mindfulness not only played an important role while I was in Europe, but it has also been very important to me throughout this entire year. Being in my last year at the University of Michigan, I have been trying to live in the moment whether I’m just sitting in class or having a fun night out with my friends. This really allows me to gain an appreciation for things in my life no matter the size. In the next five years when I’m working and maybe having less time to do some of the things I enjoy, I still hope to find mindfulness throughout my days. However, I think I will focus more on the self awareness aspect of it by really acknowledging my thoughts and feelings each day and doing things to ensure that I maintain a healthy balance in my life.


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