It is pretty obvious how other people's mood and feelings affect your own mood and feelings - if you are going though the day and someone that is constantly angry or sad it can make you annoyed, sad or even angry too. During high school I was going through the classic rebellious teenager phase in which I would get mad at my parents easily and just rant about them all day. I was angry and upset at the same time and it made my days and weeks pass by slowly and painfully.

After some time, I was tired of always feeling bad and just focusing at the negative part of my days so I decided try to stop complaining and see if that helped me fake a smile from time to time. This probably wouldn't work for everyone in every situation but in my case, stuffing most of my complaints inside me made me realize how life gets better when you focus on the good things.

I've always had a lot of energy so when I directed that to something more positive - everything seemed better. I have received various comments from different friends saying that they always enjoy my company as I appear always happy with a positive energy/vibe. Through my personal experiences, I've realized how optimism is a big part of my life - how it not only helps me deal with challenges and obstacles, but it also positively affects people around me.


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