Love And Care

Love and care
When I think about my late mom and
the superb loving care she gave us,
there is a soft spot in my heart that jumps up of joy.

Shortly after her death, that same spot used to weep
when thinking of my mom and her fantastic loving care
she gave to her children and husband at all times
and especially at times when we were ill or did not feel well.

Surely I miss my mother still very much,
but the bitterness of grief and missing her
has given way for gratefulness, for thankfulness.

Somehow she has planted in my heart and soul
a loving and caring seed that spouts and grows
and blooms and blossoms, whenever I manage to give it space.

Her care, her love lives on in my heart, in my soul.
It is that care and love, that I manage to keep alive,
which gives me peace of mind and job satisfaction.

I am sure most of us can think back of a person
caring for us in a special way when we were young.

Let us just do that today. Think of the love and care we received.
Let us feel the presence of these seeds of love and care in our own heart.
Let us 'water' the seeds and give them lots of light and space
so they can spout and grow and bloom and blossom into
a wonderful forest of love and care. 

As we do so we will become the planters of seeds
in the hearts of our own family, friends, neighbors, patients, clients,..


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