(Episode 8) The Marriage Battle … A Scratchy Story!
Mami: Didn’t you hear what I just said, she is not good for your social status, I do not want you to marry her.
Ayo: it won’t happen Mami because I have already made up my mind and there is nothing you or anybody can do about it.
Mami: it is either me or her and so you choose.
Ayo: ‘I will talk to you when you are less angry’ he said and left the house. When he got to his car, he met Adaobi crying ‘Why are you crying’?
Adaobi: ‘Nothing’ she wiped away her tears
Ayo: I am sorry for everything; you shouldn’t put anything to heart.
Adaobi: I tried Ayo, I really tried.
Ayo: ‘I know you did, let’s go home’ and together they went to his house.
Two weeks later, Ayo went with Adaobi to make his intentions known. When he got there, he was welcomed by her father, siblings and Uncle.
Papa: My son, you are very welcome to our humble home.
Ayo: Thank you sir.
Papa: What did you say brings you here again?
Ayo: I came to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage.
Papa: My only daughter?
Ayo: Yes sir, if you will permit me for I will like to make her my wife.
Emenike: Adaobi! Adaobi! Yes sir she answered ‘Come here’ he said. When Adaobi came he asked is she the person you want to marry?
Ayo: Yes sir, she is the one.
Emenike: Turning to Adaobi ‘do you know him’?
Adaobi: Yes sir.
Emenike: He has come to ask for your hand in marriage, what do you have to say?
Adaobi: ‘Okay sir’ she answered shyly.
Emenike: Okay is not an answer my child, will you like to marry him?
Adaobi: Yes sir.
Emenike: ‘You may go in Adaobi’ and she left.
Papa: Hmmm, She is my one and only daughter and since you have come to pluck the flower in my compound with our permission you are welcomed.
Ayo: Thank you.
Emenike: You will need to come with your people for that is the only way we know you are serious and that your people are in support of it.
Ayo: That won’t be a problem and with your permission, we will be here in the next weekend if that is okay.
Papa: That is okay with us.
Ayo: ‘Thank you sir and please take this as a token of appreciation’ he gave them the wine he brought.
Emenike: who collected marveled at the sight of the wine for it was imported ‘this is so nice and thank you.
Ayo: ‘You are welcome’ After a few minutes he left them and went to his place.
One week later, Ayo came with his people and the marriage agreement between Adaobi and Ayo was agreed upon. He was told that they will send him the list in a few days.
Few days later Emenike who was with Papa called Adaobi to the sitting room.
Emenike: Ada Nwam, I want you to tell what is his name again?
Adaobi: Who sir?
Papa: Ayo.
Emenike: Ehen, Ayo, I want you to tell him to come and collect the list as soon as possible.
Adaobi: Okay Sir, I will inform him today and hopefully, he will come for it.
Emenike: That is okay, we will be available.
The following day, Ayo came in company of his uncle to collect the list, they were welcomed and Emenike presented the list to them.
Ayo’s Uncle Opened the list to go through what was inside and gave it to Ayo to look at while Adaobi was in the room listening attentively to what was said.
Ayo: ‘Ah, Sir! Papa! This list is too much.
Emenike: What is too much about our list? Do you know how we suffered in training our only daughter to the university? How we moulded her image and character?
Ayo: Ermmm, I am sorry sir but from what I see here, I can see fathers list, Mothers list, brothers list, sisters list, family list, elders list and village list including Umu Ada list, If I sum up everything I see here, it’s going to cost me one million plus.
Emenike: And so? Aren’t you man enough to shoulder that responsibility?
Papa: ‘My son, Please let me have that list’ He collected it and went through it again.
Emenike: Don’t you know that you are taking our pride and joy away from us?
Ayo’s Uncle: Please our in-laws, it is through that we are coming to pluck a beautiful flower but don’t you think that this list presented to us is too much for a young man?
Emenike: A young man you said, isn’t he the one that want to marry our daughter? His ability to provide for what is in that list will prove to us if he can really take care of her.
Ayo’s Uncle: I agree with you no doubt, but it is still too much.
Emenike: Bia my son, are you really capable of taking care of our daughter?
Ayo: Very well sir.
Emenike: Then that list on your hand is the only way to prove it.
Ayo’s Uncle: My in-law…he was interrupted by Ayo.
Ayo: Uncle don’t worry, I will provide everything necessary.
Ayo’s Uncle: But Ayo?
Ayo: Uncle, do not worry.
Emenike: Now you are talking, Provide all that is written there and our daughter is yours for life.
Ayo: ‘Yes sir’ after a few minutes, they stood, bid them farewell and left. As he was about to enter his car with his uncle, Adaobi stopped them.
Adaobi: Ayo, don’t you want to see me before leaving? Can I see the list?
Question: What should Ayo do?