
Showing posts from January, 2019


THE IMPORTANCE OF LOVE IN A BUSY WORLD I think love is an incredibly important value, especially as we get older and busier. With little time to invest in activities, we might end up taking the relationships in our life for granted. However, I was always raised to remember that the most important things in life aren't monetary or even tangible. My parents taught me that family and friendships and self-respect were the most crucial values one could have, and that by following and respecting those values, I would find more happiness in my endeavors. It is important to let those close to us know that they are loved and it is also important to love oneself. At stressful points in my life, I can rely on those values to find encouragement and inner peace, regardless of the circumstances I am in. In 5 years, as I pursue my professional goals, I know I will always treasure my loved ones and continue to strengthen the relationships in my life that form my support system.


SELF- CONFIDENCE SPREADS CONFIDENCE As a high school student, I see so many different students living so many different lives. I see so much sadness from people with so much potential, and so much goodness. Overtime, I realized that a lot of this comes from a lack of self-love and self-confidence. I began watching endless ted talks about confidence, openness, and outreach. From this I have created a montra for myself that defines how I live. “Be so confident and so grounded in yourself, that you are able to love others regardless of division, jealously, or judgement.” I try to live by these words every day. To be proud of who I am, and what I have to offer the world. And by becoming confident in my life, I am able to inspire confidence in others. I am able to show others their potential and goodness regardless of how different they are than me. I am able to be genuinely happy and proud of others when they do better than me. I am able to reach out to others regardless if others will ...