Every day
Every day changes at least a bit who we are.
My right hand looks a bit different from yesterday.
Does yours too?
On most days each part of our body changes only a little bit.
But the more interesting change is happening not so much in the physical arena, but in our emotional being, in our character, in our personality. Each encounter, each small thing happening in our life, has the potential to really change our view, change our perception our emotional status.
Actually it is the sum all these small, minute daily changes that adds up to who we really are. Every small and big thing in the news, affects and molds a bit our way of thinking, of feeling. Every unexpected reaction from a friend, any new person we meet; it is all having an effect.
The good thing is, that we can modulate these effects through sincere reflection. Negative happenings do not necessary have to influence our thinking and feelings, our character, our personality in a negative way. We can search for meaning, we can accept that we cannot understand everything, we can appreciate persons and things, we can look for the good in everyone and every situation, we meet. We do not have to let every message from the news or from all the publicity we encounter into our minds and souls unaltered. We can modulate, we can modify and we can even block the toxic
Not all mushrooms are good for us to eat.
Not all information coming our way is good for us to swallow, to internalize.
Not all experiences are equally useful.
Still we try to learn from all that comes our way, we need to weigh it and filter the nasty parts away. Keeping an open mind but still guarding the gates with a good dose of wisdom and critical thinking.
Let us think for awhile what today has brought to us, how it has changed us and what are the things that we want to store in our heart, in our memory to let us grow, in terms of personality, of spirit, of heart and soul. I am sure we can find quite something on most days. A small experience at night, made me realize that I had not really paid attention to all the beauty that I had encountered during the day: unblind