Every Sunrise Is A Blessing

Each and every day we are blessed with on this Earth begins with one. We may not yet be awake, and it is sometimes hidden from view by cloud, but it is there nonetheless. A sunrise is one of the most majestic spectacles we can ever witness. Its beauty is a powerful force, one capable of imparting its warmth on the most hardened of souls. It inspires, it energizes, it renews, it gives hope. And this is why sunrise is so fondly spoken about. It hints at the possibilities that exist for us if we should reach out and take them. It reminds us that time is moving ever forward and that change is a constant of life. A sunrise puts our troubles in perspective. No matter how dark your life seems right now, a sunrise is waiting on your personal horizon. Sunrise speaks a language that no words can quite translate or do justice. Yet many have tried. 


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