(Episode 8) Worse than Wasted Money … Irresistible Story!

Ikedi: But we just came back from Dubai a week ago.

Oluchi: We! Thank God you said we. I didn’t go alone because you were with me every single day of my stay there. This time around, I want to go alone and enjoy myself with my friends.

Ikedi: Alright, how much do you need for your trip?

Oluchi: Twenty million naira.

Ikedi: Twenty million naira, Hmmm. What do you need that kind of money for?

Oluchi: For travelling and other expenses.

Ikedi: Alright. Just tell me when you need it and I will sign the cheque. When you return, we will go for the check- up.

Oluchi: That is okay by me.


When she returned back from her trip to London, Ikedi and Oluchi went to visit their doctor who certified them medically okay and told them to be patient for God’s time.

Ikedi: ‘Don’t you think we should try  IVF’ he said when they returned home from the hospital.

Oluchi: IVF ke! Why would I want to try IVF when there is nothing wrong with the both of us? Me, I am not ready to do that ooo.

Ikedi: Why are you so less concerned about having a child?

Oluchi: What do you mean I am less concerned?

Ikedi: You do not care when it comes to having a child. Anytime I bring up the topic you feel less concerned, why? I seem not to understand how you can be so carefree concerning this issue that involves us having more children.

Oluchi: Why do I need to kill myself when our marriage is barely five years? If it was six years or five years, I would have been more than worried but since it is still early why should I be? M , I don’t like the way you are going about this issue, give it time please. You will have kids soon.

Ikedi: I just cannot wait any longer.

Oluchi: Well, there is nothing you, I or anybody can do about it ooo. If you keep thinking and disturbing yourself about it, it will affect your health oooo.


After five years with nothing to show for it, Ikedi became frustrated and desperate. Oluchi refusal to try IVF made Ikedi wonder why his wife doesn’t want to try for a child using other means and with that, he started having affairs outside his home and still the same result. The women he had affairs with refused to have or carry any child for him, he became so frustrated with life that his started deteriorating. One day, he came back from home, so angry and frustrated; he decided to talk to his wife about it again.

Ikedi: ‘Oluchi’ he said as he stormed to her bedroom with anger ‘I think I would need to marry a second wife since you cannot carry a child for me.

Oluchi: You would what?

Ikedi: Marry a second wife.

Oluchi: So after seeing a lot of women and committing adultery outside, you want to take a second wife?

Ikedi: Yes! Since you cannot carry a child for me and you feel less concerned, I will want to take a second wife.

Oluchi: Never, not while I am still married to you.

Ikedi: I have made my decision and there is nothing you or anyone can do about it.

Oluchi: Ikedi, Mba nu, not while I am still in this house and I am legally married to you.

Ikedi: I am not getting married to her legally, I am getting married to her traditionally and I was hoping that you will understand.

Oluchi: I said you are not allowed to marry a second wife.

Ikedi: Then give me a child.
Oluchi: ‘Am I the one that will pregnant myself’ she shouted ‘are you man enough because if you are, I would have been pregnant by now’.

Ikedi: ‘How dare you’ he raised his hands to slap her but held his head ‘My….My…. he collapsed on the ground’.

Oluchi: ‘Hey, Ikedi’ she screamed as he collapsed on the floor ‘What is wrong with you? ‘Hey! Help’ she screamed ‘Ikedi! Ikedi! Ikedi! She screamed for help and with the help of the maid and the drivers, Ikedi was rushed to the hospital.

After several hours waiting in the hospital trying to know what is wrong with her husband from the doctor, he attended to them when they have diagnosed what is wrong with him and informed his wife about his condition.

Oluchi: ‘What is wrong with my husband’ she asked as he ushered her into his office.

Doctor: I am sorry madame but you will have to brace up for there are a lot to be done now that your husband is in a critical condition.

Oluchi: What do you mean doctor?

Doctor: You see as a result of stress, the blood that flows in the brain wasn’t flowing as it used to and as result, due to stress and lack of rest, he is in a critical condition and will need some time to come around.

Oluchi: Doctor, what is wrong with him and will he be fine?

Doctor: Of course he will be fine but he will need enough rest and attention. He will also need enough love and support from his family.

Oluchi: Okay Doctor, how long will it take for him to be whole again?

Doctor: it depends on individual and the effort put in trying to see him get better.

Oluchi: What do you mean doctor?

Doctor: What I mean is that he will get better but it might take some time.

Oluchi: How long are we talking about here?

Doctor: Ermmmm, it could take days, weeks, months or even years. Like I said before, it depends on the amount of effort put into seeing that he recovers quickly.

Oluchi: Oh My God! I am finished. What do I do now?

Doctor: Take it easy Madame. Please! All will be fine.

Oluchi: Hmmm, I am finished…. Ermmmm, Doctor, what is wrong with my husband again?

Question: Will Ikedi be ok? What’s wrong with Ikedi? Will he survive it? What can you say about this story thus far?


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