(Episode 11) Deep Sea of Secrets

Nnamdi: ignoring her mother in-law said ‘Ifeoma, we can talk about this in the privacy of our own home. don’t let what happen to us affect our children and I promise to be a better man and a husband to you and our kids.’

Ifeoma: I am sorry Nnamdi, if I had known you were the product of an outcast; I wouldn’t have had anything to do with you. Now that the situation is all glaring, I want my children and I to have nothing to do with you from now on.

Nnamdi: ‘Ifeoma Please’ he pleaded.

Ifeoma: I cannot remain married to you and it is my final decision my elders.

First Elder: in that case, you all will hear the final judgment of all issues  in our next meeting which will be in the igwe’s palace with the chief priest of our land.

Second Elder: Ha! Has it come to that?

First Elder: Yes it has because the matter is not only for elders to decide upon anymore since there are so many untold stories and a lot of atrocities have been committed.

Mama Nnamdi: My Elders, please do not involve our village chief priest, we as a family can solve it on our own please.

Mama Ifeoma: Oh! so now you want to make it a family meeting because your secrets is now for the world abi? When my daughter pleaded with your husband not to take the matter to the elders weren’t you against it?

Mama Nnamdi: ignoring her said ‘Please my elders, let us settle this thing amicably.

Mama Ifeoma: and I refused. Since my daughter’s case has become public affairs, all other case should also be public affairs.

Third Elder: Mama Nnamdi, even if we say we should settle the case amicably, within us. We cannot still let what you did slide. Nnamdi is an outcast, married to the daughter of the soil without anyone knowledge. If we knew all these before time, maybe, just maybe things would have been different.

Mama Ifeoma: Please my elders, I cannot cope with the shame.

First Elder: I am sorry, there is nothing anyone or anybody can do about it. The igwe will have to be informed and the chief priest will have to be invited.

They all stood and left while Mama Nnamdi wailed and cried leaving Nnamdi and Obi to console her. Ifeoma and her mother also left them there to deal with their problems.

Mama Nnamdi: ‘Nmandi I am sorry, I didn’t mean  for any of these. I didn’t mean to let this shame befall our family’ she said to him as she held unto him crying.

Nnamdi: ‘Mama just stop crying before your blood pressure goes up please’ he said wiping away her tears.

Obi: Mama stop with the tears already.

Mama Nnamdi: No, until my son forgives me for hiding the truth, I need him to forgive me ooooo.

Nnamdi: ‘Mama all this is just too much for me to comprehend now, I need to think’ he said as he walked away leaving his mother and Obi.

Obi: who was speechless and didn’t know what to do or how to console his mother said ‘Mama stop crying, I will talk to Nnamdi on your behalf. I know he loves you and he will listen to me. Please just stop crying.

Mama Nnamdi: Do you think he will ever forgive me, for lying about his true identity?

Obi: He will Mama, just give him more time please.

Mama Nnamdi: I hope so Obi, I hope so.


After they came back from the meeting, Mama Ifeoma and Ifeoma went talking about what happened.

Mama Ifeoma: Wonders will never end oooo. So Nnamdi is the son of Chiwedum? Hia! If your father was here by now, I am sure he will go return the bride price immediately. No child of mine will have anything to do with an Osu.

Ifeoma: Mama the deed has been done, there is nothing anyone or anybody can do. I never knew Uncle Chiwedum is Nnamdi real father?

Mama Ifeoma: and they Osu. You cannot have anything to do with them.

Ifeoma: What about my children?

Mama Ifeoma: hmmm. My daughter, I do not know for now ooo. The elders will have to decide.

Ifeoma: but my children still belong to Nnamdi because he paid my bride price.

Mama Ifeoma: my dear, I cannot think clearly. Let the elders decide what is best for all of us.


Nnamdi: I have come to see Uncle Chiwedum for that is the way he is usually called by them.

Nneka: ‘he is sleeping’ said the little girl who opened the door to him when he knocked

Nnamdi: go wake him up and tell him it is urgent.

Nneka: ‘but he doesn’t like anyone disturbing him when he is sleeping’ she insisted.

Nnamdi: ‘tell him it is urgent or I will go in there and wake him up myself’ he shouted at the little girl.

Nneka: Okay! She went and woke him up.

Chiwedum: ‘this one you are here to see me, hope no problem’ he said as he sat close to Nnamdi who was in the sitting room, sitting and fidgeting.

Nnamdi: Are you my father?

Chiwedum: What!

Nnamdi: are you my father Uncle?

Chiwedum: Who told you that?

Nnamdi: Does it matter, just answer the question.

Chiwedum: but I thought your mother said she will never reveal anything to you?

Nnamdi: Answer the question Uncle.

Chiwedum: Errmm. You see my son, it is not what you think.

Nnamdi: you shouldn’t bother about what I think and answer me Uncle, are you my father?

Chiwedum: Yes I am and I am sorry that you are finding out the truth now. Your mother actually said she will never reveal the truth to anyone because it will change everything.

Nnamdi: so all these years, you knew that I am your son and you never said anything to me?

Chiwedum: I am sorry, my hands were tied.

Nnamdi: ‘your hands were tied’ he shouted ‘you and my mother hid the truth from me all my whole life and all you could tell me is your hands were tied?’

Chiwedum: if the truth had been revealed it wouldn’t be of good to you.

Nnamdi: why? Because you are an Osu and I am your son?

Chiwedum: you already know everything.

Nnamdi: Yes I do Uncle and in the most brutal way.

Chiwedum: I am sorry that you are finding out this now, I am really sorry.

Nnamdi: you are sorry, after you lied to me and my father?

Chiwedum: I am your real father.

Nnamdi: No you are not, my real father, the man who nurtured me and made me what I am today is dead and you will never take his place.

Chiwedum:  I know this is too much for you to bear but I believe that with time, you will learn to forgive and call me your father.

Nnamdi: Don’t you dare say that to me, don’t you dare say that.



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