
Showing posts from July, 2018


As a child I knew my brother was sick. But, until recently I never understood the impact his illness would have on his life, as well as mine. In the past year, at the young age of 33, my brother's kidneys began to fail as a result of Juvenile diabetes. When I realized his health was declining, I chose to give him the gift of life. Without hesitation I volunteered to donate a kidney to my brother. After months of testing I was a perfect match. The day of the surgery would be the day that changed both of our lives forever. We are now bonded in a unique way forever. All I wanted from this experience was to see my brother live a healthier and longer life. Instead, this life changing experience has made me look at life and family in a different way. I am so grateful that I was able to help make a difference in someone's life, especially my brother's. Being an organ donor (living or deceased) is a wonderful experience for both parties involved and their families. It is a gre...


MY PASSION OF MUSIC! I was a kid in the 4th grade and I been inspired by people playing the flute. So when I started 4th grade, there was a program in my school where you could learn an instrument and play in the band. I signed up as soon as possible because the places where being taken away fast so I really wanted to play the flute. After a week or 2 a paper was sent to my mail box saying that I made it. I was extremely happy! After I rented my first flute I would practice everyday for hours and hours. As time passed on, I started to become more well known for my music and what I do. Today, I am going to 6th grade and I will be playing my flute in many concerts and it hopefully will be fun. So if you have a hobby that you like doing, turn that hobby into a talent and show the world what you do!

(Episode 8) The Marriage Battle … A Scratchy Story!

Ayo: Ah Mami, why are you saying this? Mami: Didn’t you hear what I just said, she is not good for your social status, I do not want you to marry her. Ayo: it won’t happen Mami because I have already made up my mind and there is nothing you or anybody can do about it. Mami: it is either me or her and so you choose. Ayo:  ‘I will talk to you when you are less angry’ he said and left the house. When he got to his car, he met Adaobi crying  ‘Why are you crying’? Adaobi: ‘Nothing’ she wiped away her tears Ayo: I am sorry for everything; you shouldn’t put anything to heart. Adaobi: I tried Ayo, I really tried. Ayo: ‘I know you did, let’s go home’ and together they went to his house. == Two weeks later, Ayo went with Adaobi to make his intentions known. When he got there, he was welcomed by her father, siblings and Uncle. Papa: My son, you are very welcome to our humble home. Ayo: Thank you sir. Papa: What did you say brings you here again? Ayo: I ca...

(Episode 7) The Marriage Battle … A Scratchy Story!

Mami: went into her room to bring both clean and dirty clothes for her to wash and dropped them on the floor in front of her ‘here they are, I hope they are not too much’. Adaobi: seeing the clothes and knowing what Mami is up to picked them up, smiled and said ‘it wasn’t’. She went to the bathroom where they was already detergent waiting for her already and started washing the clothes. Kemi woke up from bed feeling very hungry, went to the dining and saw that breakfast was already set; she sat down, ate and asked her mother where Adaobi was if she is still sleeping after eating. Kemi: Mami, where is Adaobi? Mami: so you don’t know how to greet again abi? You just woke up, you didn’t even ask who prepared the meal you are eating, you just dived into it and after that you are asking me of Adaobi. Kemi: Mami, I am sorry, I was very hungry. The meal is delicious sha, you did well. Mami: Adaobi prepared it. Kemi: That is nice of her, where is she sef? Mami: In the bathr...

(Episode 6) The Marriage Battle … A Scratchy Story!

Papa: I think he is an Engineer and he  does other businesses too. Emenike: Good, that is good. What other businesses does he do? Papa: I have no idea, I didn’t really ask until he comes. Emenike: is he rich? Papa: Bia Emenike, what kind of question is that? it is your type that goes around spoiling the image of the igbos. How can you ask me that question? Emenike: and what is wrong with me asking you if the man our daughter wants to marry is rich? Papa: why didn’t you ask me if she is really happy about her decision? Emenike: Why do I need to ask you that? of course she is happy because if she isn’t, she won’t tell you anything about it. Is he rich? Papa: I do not know and I don’t care if he is., all I know is that if my daughter is happy with him and his financial status, fine by me. Emenike: Hmmm okay, when he comes, let me know sha for I will find out on my own. Papa: Bia Emenike, do not do what you did to chinenye’s husband when  he came to ask for...

(Episode 5) The Marriage Battle … A Scratchy Story!

Mami:  was glad that Kemi asked her the question she wanted to ask but didn’t know how to put it to make Adaobi not to feel umcomfortable with her but as soon as Kemi asked the question, she saw the surprised look in Adaobi’s eyes and also saw that she was uncomfortable but said nothing about it and kept looking at her. Adaobi: Ermmm, it is not his money that I am in love with but the man himself. Kemi: That’s what all of you will say. Mami: Kemi, how can you say such nonsense from your mouth? Adaobi, Please do not mind her. She doesn’t use to listen to most of the words that comes out of her mouth. Adaobi:  it’s okay, I can understand her fears. Mami: I am so glad you understand. By the way, what do your parents do for a living? Adaobi: Actually, my Mom is late and my dad is a retired civil servant. Mami: So, he doesn’t have any business or anything that he is doing or a business that someone is running for him? Adaobi: No he doesn’t, he only has a small fa...

(Episode 4) The Marriage Battle … A Scratchy Story!

During the weekend Adaobi went with Ayo to visit his family,she made sure she bought things for them and dressed modesty. When she got there, Mami welcomed her properly and Kemi also did the same. Mami: Wow, My daughter, welcome to the family. Adaobi: Thank you Ma. Mami: just forget the Ma thing, you can call me Mami like my children does. Adaobi: Alright Ma, Errmmm sorry Mami. Kemi: Welcome to our humble Home. Adaobi: Thank you Kemi right? Kemi: ‘Yes Kemi’ she said smiling. Adaobi: Here is what I got for you and Mami she said as she handed the itmes she came with to Kemi who collected it saying Thank you. Mami: You shouldn’t have bothered. Adaobi: Its nothing ma, considering the fact that I am visiting for the first time, it isn’t proper that I come empty. Mami: Okay, Thank you. Ayo: Mami, she is the apple of my eye. Mami: really, the one that stole your heart abi? Ayo: Yes Mami and my soon to be wifey. Mami: Good to know, Errmmm my daughter where are...


SAY A KIND WORD TO SOMEONE ELSE AT LEAST ONCE A DAY Few kids today are taught the value of empathy. It seems so hard for people to have compassion toward others and to actually understand what they are going through. I was raised in a very loving family. As a child I was taught to put others before myself. We were always told to go out of our way to make someone else happy. My mom would tell me to say at least one kind word to someone every day. I will admit that it wasn't always very easy to do. But as soon as you see the look of gratitude in that person's eyes you just want to do as much as you possibly can. I had an experience with a guy that I knew where people were always making fun of him. He was the guy that everyone liked to pick on. Because he was home taught, the only people he knew were the ones that he went to church with. Even there I would see people being mean to him. Every time I saw that happening I knew in my heart that it was wrong. From that moment on...

Marriage Battle … A Scratchy Story! ( Episode 3 )

Chidi: We would still be close as ever even though you are getting married abi? Adaobi: Why, you think I won’t be there for you? Chidi: It’s not that, just that hope marriage would change your behavior towards us and Papa. Adaobi: Why are you saying this? I love you guys so very much and whether I get married or not, I will always be there for you guys because you are my responsibilities. Chidi: I love you so very much and I will miss you. Adobi: ‘I love you too’ she went and hugged him ‘I won’t miss you because you are always welcomed in my house. Chigozie: Can we come and live with you? Adaobi: I can’t believe you are asking me that question but someone will have to stay here and take care of Papa and that Person is you for your school is close to the house. You should be visiting Papa every weekend and when I am on my own, I will look for someone who will be taking care of him always or he will come and live with me permanently. Chigozie: ‘Okay’ he smiled. Chid...

The Marriage Battle … A Scratchy Story! ( Episode 2)

Ayo: An igbo girl. Mami: Why an igbo girl, what happened to Funke? Ayo: Mami, Funke and I part ways long ago, her name is Adaobi. Mami: Lai Lai! You won’t get married to an igbo girl ooo. Ayo: Why Mami, what happened to me marrying one? Mami: Don’t you know that igbo girls are not good people, they are bad. You will not ooo and I won’t allow it. Ayo: Ah! Mami , there is nothing you or anyone can do about it because I have already made up my mind.  Mami: That mind that you have made up, can still be changed, after all you haven’t married her. Ayo: But you haven’t given me any reason to change my mind. Okay, what is your reason? Mami: Igbo people like money too much, they can even kill their people just for it. Ayo: Is that all? Mami: Don’t you know that the girl you want to marry is only after your money? After they have finished sucking you dry, they will kill you and inherit all your properties. Ayo: Hahahahaha, Mami, not everybody is like that and you ...

The Marriage Battle … A Scratchy Story! ( Episode 1)

Adaobi: Father, you do not have to worry about anything, when I get married I will still be taking care of you and my brothers. Papa: I hope so ooo. I trust that you will and make it a duty to also look after your brothers. Adaobi: I will Papa but you are the one I am more concerned about, your health is deteriorating day by day. Don’t worry, when next I come we will go for medical checkup. Papa: There is no need for that, for how long will you keep spending money on me? I know the diabetes I am suffering from won’t go for I am of old age already. Adaobi: Don’t say that Papa, I will keep taking care of you ooo or am I complaining? Papa: You are not but I am, you should spend your money on other stuff not my health. Adaobi: Papa please, stop saying that. I am and will keep taking care of you and my siblings till God knows when. I know what we have been through  and I won’t stop helping in any way I can. Papa: Well, what can I say if not thank you and thank God for ...


BEYOND ABILITY At the age of seven my family and I were involved in a serious car accident during which my left hand was nearly amputated. Ever since the accident, I've often wondered "why me?" I've wondered why it was me in the very back seat of my family’s SUV, the SUV that flipped on its side and allowed my hand to seemingly fall away from me. That seemingly fell away and opened up a world that was not made for me, not formed for me. And rather in all those times that I now think "why not me"? Why can’t I be the one to push against that world, to push against that false reality of what a body should or should not be, and to push into something else, something that could perhaps be beyond ability. A place where these things we call bodies, these things we wear on ourselves and project onto others, will not be seen in comparison or in juxtaposition, but rather in celebration, in exploration, and in imagination.


HOPE IS AN ATTITUDE It is widely accepted that Hope is the one thing that makes people succeed in whatever they set out to achieve. When the chips are down and when one is feeling defeated, Hope is supposed to keep you going, Hope is what turns the tide. So, what is Hope? How would one describe Hope? Is it a feeling, is it an expression or is it just dumb luck that decides to strike someone when fortune feels charitable? I compare Hope to the foliage one sees on winter days travelling on trains. Lined up along the tracks are trees, ravaged by the cold, bereft of any life and stark. No hope, they say, of security, joy and happiness. Everything is forlorn and lost. But then, ever so often, as the scenery rolls past the window of the train like on a conveyor belt, flashes of green pepper the vision for brief periods; Presenting glimpses of life, security, joy and teasing of happier times. How one chooses to translate this sight is what defines Hope. You can go with the fashion and ...